Website Builder

Build your association website like a pro. Remarkably simple and secure.

Ever wish for a simple and time saving click-to-add way to build your website and maintain your content?

Let's introduce you to Blocks, your new powerful website building tool for managing content, empowering you to create amazing page layouts through click-to-add blocks and adding powerful automation.

Blocks make it easier to build your association website and update your content than ever before. Blocks enables you to personalize your page content and add dynamic modules without requiring substantial technical knowledge or having to rely on a developer. It is ideal for rapidly adjusting your strategy in response to member feedback or analytics insights.

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association digital transformation


Respond To Your Members and Stakeholders

In today's digital era, where content which resonates with your membership and prospects dictates success, your role needs to encompass your association's ability to respond based on good data.

You're tasked with engaging a diverse group of members, stakeholders and the public to ensure your association stands out in a crowded digital landscape.

Blocks are available out-of-the-box on your Members Village website builder, beginning with page management and awaiting your creative touch. Whether you're developing member-specific content, call-to-actions, selling opportunities, or material for a certain device, you'll accomplish it quickly and easily. You now have greater digital autonomy and no longer have to wait for your webmaster in order for changes to be implemented.

Blocks Highlights

The 7 key features of Blocks include:

Save time while crafting beautiful pages with over 20 block types available to you.

Control how your blocks look to ensure they align with your association's brand with colour, image and video selections.

Powerful modules
Access to pre-built modules to promote and sell from areas such as News, Forms, Memberships, Events or Courses.

Audience Segmentation
Improve the audience experience by optionally controlling who can see a certain block.

Device Segmentation
Improve the audience experience by optionally controlling which device displays a block.

Blocks generated work on desktop, tablets and mobile devices without any additional effort on your part.

Custom web designs
Can be integrated with any custom website design running on Members Village.

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Frequently Asked Questions

For your convenience, we've prepared a collection of common questions and answers about Members Village. We are more than happy to learn about your association and how Members Village can support it, let us know if there isn't an answer to your question and one of our experts will get in touch with you.

See all FAQs

Your data will be backed up nightly.

Payment processing for membership payments and renewals is available to all associations on Members Village. We offer no-cost integration options with the following payment gateways:

  • Elavon
  • WorldLine
  • iATS
  • Moneris
  • Global Payment
  • Square
  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Braintree

Your association will dictate whether what fields are collected on which form. We automate the process behind the scenes, but leave you in full control of what data you collect.