Using an Excel spreadsheet as your membership database sounds like a perfect recipe for headaches and late nights. Reclaim your time and ensure you manage your member data easily.

Membership fee collection can be painless, we'll make sure your membership renewal fees are secure and automated. Technology will work for you.

Let's digitize your association so you can say goodbye to frustration, late nights and stress by simplifying your membership database and payments through Members Village.

I want to save time!I DON'T want to save time

association digital transformation


Your data in one place. Your tasks, automated.

Managing an association is challenging when each team member has to figure out their own technical solution and processes are thrown together in piecemeal fashion. You don't know where to find things, members call you in frustration when trying to pay their member fees and no one can find your elusive web developer.

When you start using Members Village you'll find all your data quickly. Members will be able to pay you easily and access their data at any time. Your team will be able to manage your association website, member data, emails and e-commerce from anywhere.

Let's do this - I'm going to try Members Village


A training session will be personalized and scheduled for your team to ensure all features are fully utilized. Your team will also be provided with best practices when it comes to managing all parts of your data. You will also be provided with a full recording of the training session.

We also provide a collection of general training tutorials accessible to all associations at any time.

View TutorialsOK, ready now - let's try Members Village

watch our member portal tutorials on youtube